GROUP 20 - Music Video 2008/9: Characters

Friday 12 September 2008


Jason Mraz will meet different characters, these characters will be in different difficult situations.

Start with long shot of Jason Mraz walking up road. Girl (wearing red shoes) and Boy are arguing. Boy gives her a load of mouth, and leaves her crying. She's a sobbing by the side of the road when Jason Mraz walks by and tell her to come with him. They start walking down the street with her at the start following him causiously. As he walks and sings the street around him starts brighting up in technicolour hues, and the features of the world around him become more pleasent (less cars, balloons and such). Through the first verse of the song the girl has got closer and closer to him, until there like all in arms and happy and laughing and high and such.

Eventually, they meet other characters, such as a shopworker (brushing outside with a straw broom), an engineer type person struggling to fix a car, and a cowardly guy being beaten up.

Each of these characters are in a depressing situation, and Jason Mraz lightens up these situations. Basically the music video has a Wizard of Oz theme to it. This will add depth and meaning to the piece.


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