GROUP 20 - Music Video 2008/9: Pitch 2

Monday 8 September 2008

Pitch 2

The Remedy - Jason Mraz

Song is about happiness and not letting things get to you. Generally being happy and spreading the joy to others.

Our idea contains an actor (jason mraz) walking through different settings meeting different people with troubles, he will then uplift the situation. e.g. shot of tramp, shot of jason mraz offering red clown nose, next shot of tramp in clown outfit doing tricks for children.

There will be a separate character and setting for each verse of the song whilst the chorus is of jason mraz performing on stage to a women sitting in the middle of this big hall. Her identity is hidden till the end where we find out this beautiful women is JOE.

- Jason Mraz walks into hall with guitar, walks past women (joe) and strokes her hair and then walks onto stage and music begins.

SHOT TYPES - hall scene

Long side shot with jason mraz and girl at either end of shot (western shot)
Close up handheld shots for intense part of chorus
Quick moving shot of women - maintains mystery (move up and down and around body - sexuality)
low angle shot of jason mraz's feet in foreground with girl in background
and more


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